The Annual General Meeting of q.beyond AG took place this year at 10.00 a.m. (CEST) on Wednesday, 24 May 2023.
We look forward to welcoming our shareholders or their authorised representatives in person once again at Gürzenich in Cologne (Martinstrasse 29-37, 50667 Cologne).
The invitation with the agenda was published in the Federal official Gazette on 12 April 2023.
You can download the following information relevant to the Annual General Meeting:
Invitation and agenda (PDF file) with
- Explanatory comments about Agenda Item 1
- Total number of shares and voting rights
- Information about data protection for shareholders and their representatives
- Explanatory comments about shareholders’ rights (PDF file)
- Forms for absentee voting and issuing powers of attorney, including additional information (PDF file)
- Information pursuant to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212 for notifications pursuant to § 125 AktG (PDF file)
- Articles of Association (PDF file, only available in German)
Documents for Agenda Item 1
- Annual Report of q.beyond AG as of 31 December 2022 (PDF file) with
- Approved consolidated financial statements
- Group management report
- Supervisory Board report
- Explanatory report by Management Board in respect of the disclosures made pursuant to § 289a and § 315a HGB (PDF file)
- Annual financial statements and management report of q.beyond AG as of 31 December 2022 (PDF file, only available in German)
Documents for Agenda Item 5
Documents for Agenda Item 6
- Remuneration system for members of the Management Board of q.beyond AG (2023 remuneration system (PDF file)
Documents for Agenda Item 7
- Curriculum vitae of Dr. Bernd Schlobohm (PDF file)
- Curriculum vitae of Gerd Eickers (PDF file)
- Curriculum vitae of Ina Schlie (PDF file)
- Curriculum vitae of Dr.-Ing. Frank Zurlino (PDF file)
Documents for Agenda Item 9
- Written report of the Management Board pursuant to § 71 (1) No. 8 Sentence 5 AktG in conjunction with § 186 (4) Sentence 2 AktG (PDF file)
- Notarised minutes of the Annual General Meeting on 16 May 2012 (PDF file, only available in German)
- Notarised minutes of the Annual General Meeting on 27 May 2015 (PDF file, only available in German)in