2023 Lünendonk Study: q.beyond’s portfolio consistent with IT investment focuses at German companies
- Companies chiefly investing in seven topics, including cloud transformation, process efficiency and security
- q.beyond is one of the fastest-growing and leading German IT service companies
Among other aspects, the study looked into key focuses of corporate IT investment in the current and coming year. The seven most important market topics are areas in which q.beyond has focused its products and services. Specifically, these are:
- Cybersecurity/information security
- Process efficiency and automation
- IT modernisation
- Digital workplace
- Cloud transformation
- Data-driven organisation
- Individual software development and system integration.
IT services tailored to the digital transformation
“q.beyond is on the right track and, based on our observation, is addressing those digitalisation topics that are critical to its customers advancing in their markets”, explains Mario Zillmann, Partner at Lünendonk & Hossenfelder.
Thies Rixen, CEO of q.beyond AG, adds that the company is noticing the beneficial market climate: “Our portfolio is consistent with what companies currently need. That is producing new opportunities for growth, particularly when it comes to optimising business models using applications or operating critical core processes. We will seize these opportunities.”
q.beyond is one of Germany’s leading IT service companies
According to Lünendonk, q.beyond is already one of the ten fastest-growing IT service companies in Germany. In the past year, the IT service provider was able to increase its revenues in Germany by 12 percent. Moreover, the company remains one of the highest-revenue providers in this segment. Like in the previous year, Lünendonk ranked q.beyond AG 12th in the list of the largest German IT service companies by revenues.
The study forecasts that the IT service business will continue to grow in the current and coming year, even though the market is being adversely affected by inflation, the energy crisis and supply chain disruptions. According to Lünendonk, growth is being driven above all by the further rise in demand for digitalisation, differentiation and new business models.
For its annual study, Lünendonk analysed a total of 106 IT service providers (previous year: 96). These IT service companies generate more than 50 percent of their revenues with IT services and act as independent IT service providers with more than 50 percent external revenues.
The complete Lünendonk study for 2023 “The IT Services Market in Germany” can be downloaded free of charge from q.beyond at the following link: https://www.qbeyond.de/luenendonk-studie-2023

Chart: The top 10 fastest-growing IT service companies - © Lünendonk

Chart: Investment focuses of user companies in 2023-2024 - © Lünendonk
About q.beyond AG
q.beyond AG is the key to successful digitalisation. We help our customers find the best digital solutions for their business and then put them into practice. Our strong team of 1,100 people accompanies SME customers securely and reliably throughout their digital journey. We are experts in Cloud, SAP, Microsoft, data intelligence, security and software development. With locations throughout Germany, as well as in Latvia and in Spain, and its own certified data centres, q.beyond is one of Germany’s leading IT service providers.
q.beyond AG
Jan Erlinghagen
Corporate Communications
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50829 Cologne
T +49 221 669-8119