The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of q.beyond AG took place this year at 11.00 a.m. (CEST) on Wednesday, 12 May 2021.
Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, a virtual AGM was held this year again, which involved no physical attendance by shareholders or their authorised representatives (except voting proxies appointed by the company).
The following text is an extract from the invitation to the 2021 annual general meeting:
Shareholders who have registered for the AGM can watch the whole of the meeting on the internet via our password-protected AGM Portal.
The access information for the online service will be sent to you at the same time as the invitations, most likely in mid-April.
Shareholders (or their authorised representatives) may exercise their voting rights by postal ballot or by issuing powers of attorney with instructions to the voting proxies appointed by the company. This will be possible in advance of the AGM and during the AGM itself through to the start of voting via the AGM Portal. Until one day before the AGM, shareholders can also submit questions to the Management Board via the AGM Portal.
Please otherwise refer to the legally authoritative information provided in the agenda and the explanations of shareholders’ rights.
The invitation with the agenda was published in the Federal Official Gazette on 30 March 2021.
You can download the following information relevant to the Annual General Meeting:
Invitation and agenda (PDF file) with
- explanatory comments about Agenda Item 1
- total number of shares and voting rights
- information about data protection for shareholders and their representatives
- Explanatory comments about shareholders’ rights (PDF file)
- Forms for issuing powers of attorney, including additional information (PDF file)
- Information pursuant to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212 for notifications pursuant to § 125 AktG (PDF file)
- Articles of Association (PDF file, only available in German)
Documents for Agenda Item 1
- Annual Report of q.beyond AG as of 31 December 2020 (PDF file) with
- Approved consolidated financial statements
- Group management report
- Supervisory Board report
- Explanatory report by Management Board in respect of the disclosures made pursuant to § 289a (1) and § 315a (1) HGB (PDF file)
- Annual financial statements and management report of q.beyond AG as of 31 December 2020 (PDF file, only available in German)
Documents for Agenda Items 5 and 6
- Remuneration system for Management Board members (PDF file)
- Remuneration system for Supervisory Board members (PDF file)
Documents for Agenda Item 8
- Control and profit transfer agreement dated 12 February 2021 between q.beyond AG and Incloud Engineering GmbH (PDF file, only available in German)
- Joint intercompany agreement report of the Management Board of q.beyond AG and the management of Incloud Engineering GmbH pursuant to § 293a AktG (PDF file, only available in German)
- Annual and consolidated financial statements and management reports for q.beyond AG and the Group for the 2018, 2019 and 2020 financial years
- Annual Report of q.beyond AG as of 31 December 2020 (PDF file) with
- Approved consolidated financial statements
- Group management report
- Annual financial statements and management report of q.beyond AG as of 31 December 2020 (PDF file, only available in German)
- Annual Report of q.beyond AG as of 31 December 2019 (PDF file) with
- Approved consolidated financial statements
- Group management report
- Annual financial statements and management report of q.beyond AG as of 31 December 2019 (PDF file, only available in German)
- Annual Report of q.beyond AG as of 31 December 2018 (PDF file) with
- Approved consolidated financial statements
- Group management report
- Annual financial statements and management report of q.beyond AG as of 31 December 2018 (PDF file, only available in German)
- Annual Report of q.beyond AG as of 31 December 2020 (PDF file) with
Annual financial statements of Incloud Engineering GmbH for the 2018, 2019 and 2020 financial years
- Annual financial statements of Incloud Engineering GmbH as of 31 December 2020 (PDF file, only available in German)
- Annual financial statements of Incloud Engineering GmbH as of 31 December 2019 (PDF file, only available in German)
- Annual financial statements of Incloud Engineering GmbH as of 31 December 2018 (PDF file, only available in German)
The AGM Portal will be available to our shareholders and their authorised representatives at www.qbeyond.de/agm from 12 April 2021 onwards. The portal will offer the following services:
- Registering for the Annual General Meeting
- Casting votes by postal ballot
- Issuing powers of attorney and instructions to voting proxies
- Issuing of powers of attorney to third parties
- Submitting questions on the agenda (until midnight on 10 May 2021)
- Live broadcast of the entire Annual General Meeting
- Objecting to a resolution adopted by the Annual General Meeting (only on the day of the AGM)